The name ‘Pramadvara’ translates into ‘The most beautiful of all the beautiful women’ and that’s exactly how we at Pramadvara want you to feel. Here we believe that beauty is not just in the eye of the beholder but also in the mind of the attired.  

Pramadvara is an amalgamation of art and design created with the intention of bringing to its gems (that’s what we prefer calling our clients as you add an alluring value to our little budding passion), exquisite handcrafted products that make you feel like the most beautiful. Being operated from Bengaluru, Pramadvara is the brain child of a mother-daughter duo who share a deep-rooted love for art and fashion. 


Our designer, Aishwarya Adhikashreni, a graduate in Fashion design is currently pursuing her MBA. An inclination towards designing drove Aishwarya to put her creativity on paper at the tender age of 12. Ever since, she has been funneling her ideas into creating unique designs and patterns. Pramadvara is the result of this passionate effort, now ready to be scrutinized in all its glory. 

Vijayashree Nataraj, a self-made artist has been a part of several group and solo exhibitions. Although having a post graduate degree in Psychology, Vijayashree has always been drawn towards the finer arts. To further hone her skills, she has attended advanced courses in Chitrakala Parishat and has several achievements pinned in her name. Adding to the many feathers in her cap is her reputation as one of the very few female thread painters in India.  

Through Pramadvara, this mother-daughter duo is set to introduce a cornucopia of textures and patterns, suitable for any occasion!  

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